an online friend wanted to know how i am doing for the preparation of the coming holidays. I purposedly write this entry as i think of her, wanting to share how I handle the holidays in our part of the globe. She has her hands full in cooking and baking her goodies and cookies for the awaited celebration of christmas.
Yes sis, i can fully relate to you. I love cooking. its my craze and passion. I cook in small and larger scale like for a hundred people in our church. I usually do our native, local dishes, chinese menus, a little of korean and american recipes. I do baking a little bit. One or two kinds of cake that i know very well how to do and one or two of my favorite cookie recipes. I seldom bake but only on several occasions in our church like mothers day, fathers day, birthdays, new year`s eve and other so and so celebrations. I usually give out the cakes i baked myself to some special people that needed recognition and the cookies i distribute to the mothers and children. My way of showing and expressing that we care about them.
In our country only a small quantity of women do baking. Cakes are way expensive and so with the things being use to make one. Cake is not a thing that you see on tables on an ordinary day. They are there only in any special occassions. I buy my cakes from my favorite bake shop. They make the most delicious cakes I know. This i do during special dinners with my family.
Here in the philippines, we celebrate the holidays longest than most. The festive spirit starts even before the month of December. People starts putting up their trees. adorning it with ribbons, bells, dancing lights and what have you. The lights shown brightly inside and outside of the their homes and other sorts of decorations. Down the streets people seems to be in a hurry, looks like their faces are set to something very important. Perhaps just making sure that they will get the needed ham and "queso de bola" on their dining tables on christmas eve. You could sense the festive mood everywhere. Our climate is always so hot even on rainy season. Its always so humid. But the last two months before the year ends become surprisingly cold and windy. Maybe this adds up to the merry countenance of everyone you meet on the street. They couldn`t wait to put up everything that will remind them its christmas time! Long before people in other country pronounce their holiday, we started ours way ahead. They celebrated in work places, schools, every establishments even churches are so busy celebrating. The festivity continues until the first week of January `til the commemoration of he 3 wise men. Some call them the "three kings". And thus also, the gift giving..
my family have long ago given up on this so called christmas that the world is celebrating. We stopped putting up our christmas tree, lights and decorations, church programs concerning these and carolling. My, all of these things i love doing before. Always take pains in all its preparations.
My husband who is a church pastor, and all three of my children are all so active in the ministry (my eldest, an evangelist and travels a lot in asian countries) have strong convictions that these are all paganistic practices, and that we who have already known the truth should stand up to it and must not in any way indulge and take any part of it anymore. Its not easy to let go. I grew up enjoying about this whole thing. So much fond memories from my childhood years that I just can`t throw away and forget. But for the sake of truth, i must obey. I say, conviction. And i will stand by it.
But we keep the nativity spirit. God was born to save us. He has given us his life. Thats enough reason to celebrate, the true essence of christmas. So, on what they call christmas eve, its also the time when all my children are home, i make it a point to cook my husband and children`s favorite dishes, call it our thanksgiving night for everything that the Lord has done. These moments with them, i really treasure the most. The bliss of togetherness with the four people I love so dearly!!
New Years eve is our utmost celebration.. We call it "media noche". My mother used to gather all of us her children in our "anchestral" house. (pls. permit me to say its our kind of a house). When we were young until during those times when most of us have married and have a family of our own, we still come because of our parents wishes. Each of us will bring our favorite meal to share and eat at midnight. We have family devotion first, talked about how the year has treated us and how the Lord has carried us all through it. Then before helping ourselves with the foods, we hold hands together and give the Lord thanks by our worship and praise. Then shortly when the clock struck midnight, the whole world will say "Happy New YeAR"!! Leaving the old year behind and facing the new year with gladness in our hearts. Then we would help ourselves with the hearty meal before us and the gift giving was most enjoyable. It is my most favorite part.... Oh, those times i always keep in my heart, memories that times cannot erase.
We don`t have that celebration now. For a couple of years it is gone. its not the same without papa. He`s gone home to glory. Mother is in Calfornia with three of my brothers who made their residences there now, and some of my siblings have gone to Canada. a sister in hongkong and another one in Mindanao. Only three of us remains here and oftentimes we skip celebrating new year together. Its never the same again...... Oh, i miss it all, my father, i miss all of them! But i am sure, in the heart of all my loveones who have gone far and miles away, there`s this something within them that always beckons them home......
While i am with these thoughts..... something comes up in my mind. I got my phone and called my sisters, remie and naneth. They agreed to come to my house on new years eve. Like before we plan of doing it like we used to do. Bring our own food, and exchange gift with one another. With our families we`ll have prayer together and will face and meet the new year hand in hand claiming the promises that God has instored for us....
What a nice way to celebrate the holidays. Always keep the true meaning and essence that this holiday bring.
What a satisfying thought. Such a satisfying thought!!