Tuesday, January 19, 2010

happy =)

Three days ago we received a box from mama, stateside- San Francisco....Of course happy, di ba? I guess it`s a late christmas presents for all of us her children here in pinas.... mama, thanks for the goodies..... and the sheets, i mean bed sheets. i really love those that comes from there! They look good on my worn-out bed, although it badly needed a replacement but with these stateside sheets on it, it always looks elegant. so why care for a new one? at least for now.. lol.

One more thing, i found this pair of sandals with no name on it (kasi lahat ng padala ni mama may kanya-kanyang pangalan na, para walay away, hehehe!), it fits me so i guess it has found its rightful owner - me!

Thanks mother for everything! thanks for the love..... hanggang sa uulitin!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

chong`s 27th birthday =)

Happy birthday anak! Perhaps i could well express this in writing than saying it outwardly to you and what it says is what i really feel towards you as your mom.... with all that you have gone through, i know you are a strong person, its not because you are that way but because Jesus is true to His promises!

here it is:

If i could bring you a world full of happiness, i would. If i could take your sadness and pain and feel them for you, i would. If i could give you the strenght to handle the problems that this world may have for you, i`d do that too. There is nothing that i wouldn`t do for you to bring laughter instead of tears into your life.

I can`t give you happiness, but i can feel it with you. I can`t take away all your hurts in this world, but i can share them with you. I can`t give you the strenght when you need it the most, but i can try to be strong for you.

I can be there to tell you how much i care. In times when you feel you need to reach out to someone, i can be there for you, not to change how you feel, but to go through these times with you.

When you were little, i could hold you in my arms to comfort you, but you`ll never be too grown up for me to put my arms around you. You are so very special to us, your dad and me, and the most precious gift we could have received was you on the day you were born....love you so!

Friday, January 01, 2010

First day, 2010

i guess for most people (if not all), new year is a time of celebration and then starting afresh, putting on a new leaf like having a blank clean sheet of paper to keep record about life`s performance for the coming year. Forgiving those who have hurt us and to make amends and forgiveness from them that we have wronged. It is forgetting, leaving behind and letting go of our pains and mistakes of the past.

I can`t help reflecting how my life had been the past year. There were achievements tho` there were failures, many answered prayers tho` many hopes and dreams unfulfilled. But it was a great year, for me, my family and our church..We had made steps forward toward our godly goals.

I will always praise the Lord for His faithfulness. For good health and protection. I have been weary at times yet i feel the love of Christ unending in my life. This year i refuse to make weariness a common feeling. I should not make it too familiar anymore and try to always make any situation better. Each day I want to fill the blank sheet of my life with words, deeds, thoughts and purposes that will only edify the Name of Jesus.

I will try (with God`s help) to give top performance to whatever i am doing and plan to do in my service to Him and my family.

Help me Lord to serve you better and with excellence!

Another new year`s resolution? I surely hope not because resolutions are meant to be broken..
This is my desire and prayer with all of me, please Lord help me!