Our church anniversary celebration went well but different from how we celebrated the others in the past.. We enjoyed the fellowship with our church families, sharing the foods that each of us brought....It was an all day affair. The games which were well participated by everyone were most fun and memorable, we wished the day won`t end.
We missed the presence of dave & jhoy who were at that time are already in Ohio.. we`re looking forward for more church anniversaries to come and new souls added to HCJC...
This week the world celebrated what they call "valentines day". Almost everyone I met in the streets seemed to be in a hurry, carrying either a bunch of beautiful flower arrangements tied in colorful ribbons of pink and red, or bags full of goodies, stuff toys and chocolates too! I know for sure those they would fondly offer to someone special who causes their heart to beat faster, ehehe!. It is a matter of the heart they said, kaya nga heart`s day, :-)
But thinking about matters of the heart, i can`t help thinking and have something to say about my wonderful husband. And when I do, heart`s day is everyday for me though it`s not always days full of happiness and laughter, not bed of roses for both of us. Like all other couples, we have our "moments", loving, sometimes miserable moments too, but the love I feel for him the day i met him has never left my heart and i know it will remain there forever. I call him "dad" for he is such an amazing, responsible father to our children, and "pangga" for being loving, passionate and caring husband to me. You put smiles on my face dad, bringing out the "best" in me....yet bearing and understanding my "worst.. I love you!
I dedicate this song to you. The words are what i am trying to tell you for so long...
(Through the years)
I can`t remember when you weren`t there
when i didn`t care for anyone but you
I swear we`ve been through everything there is,
can`t imagine anything we`ve missed
can`t imagine anything the two of us can`t do..
through the years you`ve never let me down, you turned my life around
the sweetest days i`ve found, i`ve found with you
through the years i`ve never been afraid i`ve loved the life we`ve made
and i`m so glad i`ve stayed right here with you
through the years..
i can`t remember what i used to do
who i trusted whom, i listened to before
i swear you taught me everything i know
can`t imagine someone so, but through the years
it seem to me i need you more and more
through the years through all the good and bad,
i knew how much we had, i`ve always been so glad
to be with you, through the years its better everyday
you`ve kissed my tears away, as long as its okay
i`ll stay with you through the years..
through the years when everything went wrong
together we were strong
i know that i belonged right here with you
through the years i never had a doubt
we`d always work things out, i`ve learned what loves about
by loving you through the years..