It has several names: bravery, valor, fearlessness, heroism, nerve............ and a few nicknames: guts, backbone, pluck. But whatever the name, it`s more than a match for "fear".
It`s just another word for inner strenght, presence of mind against odds, determination to hang in there, to venture, persevere and witstand hardships. It`s got keeping power. ii`s what kept the pioneers rolling forward in those covered wagons in spite of the elements and mountains and flaming arrows. It`s what forces every married couples, having marriage on shaky grounds to never say "let`s terminate". it`s what upholds parents with kids in spite of life`s struggles, difficulties and crisis. It`s what keeps a nation free in spite of attacks.
David had it when he grabbed his sling in the valley of Elah. Daniel demonstrated it when he refused to bow before Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. Elijah evidenced it when he faced the prophets of Baal on Carmel. Job showed it when he was covered with boils surrounded by misunderstanding. Moses used it when he stand against Pharaoh in the court of Egypt, refusing to be intimidated. The fact is, it`s impossible to live victoriously for Christ without courage. Thus, Joshua l: 6, 7, 9.
Be strong and of good courage....."
Only be thou strong and very courageous......."
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage: be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord Thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest".
Are you? honestly now - are you? Or are you quick to quit..........ready to run when heat rises.....when the shadow of this giant (fear) looms across the horizon? The real tests of courage are much broader, much deeper....much quieter. They are the inner tests, like remaining faithful when nobody`s enduring pain when nobody`s in an empty room with you, like standing alone when you`re misunderstood.
You may never be asked to share your room with a snake or a rattler, but everyday, in some way, your courage will be tested. Your test may be as simple as saying "no", as uneventlful as facing a pile of dirty laundry, or as unknown and unheralded as an inner struggle between right and wrong. God`s medal of honor winners are made in secret because most of their courageous acts occurs deep down inside............away from all the acclaim of public opinion......alone by yourself......aLONE WITH A GIANT CALLED "FEAR".
***fighting giants***
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