Tuesday, September 02, 2008

God`s promise is true...

it`s four in the morning.......i`m still wide wide awake! Maybe it`s because of the coffee i drank early in the evening.. I remember, i don`t take coffee on evenings, kaya heto, however i tried just can`t put myself to sleep...Btw, what`s in a coffee that can keep you awake?

i have quiet days lately. During daytime only hubby and me in the house, except if we needed to go somewhere. How lungkot naman! ok, i won`t start this story again...

I am also been in an expectant heart this past months. I am going through my days listening for the sound of a delivery vehicle at my door... a surprise box from a loveone is coming! I don`t know when it`s gonna come. We have such a bad weather this time of the year, and i would like to believe this is the reason why it has taken for my surprise box not to arrive much as I desired it.... hope it will soon. When it will come i know it would be worth the wait!

Just remind me of the promises of God and the answer to my prayers. Often times I thought He has forgotten me. Things I`d hope for hadn`t seen fulfillment, even things i thought He had whispered He would give me. Sometimes i`d almost quit expecting them. yes, unfulfilled expectations.

This delayed gifts is a good example of how we have to learn trusting that God is working on our behalf, even if we don`t yet see it in the meantime, that we should expect God to be working for our heart`s desires.

These times our family is going through a difficult season of our lives and resources are slow in coming..... but i am always reminded that God knows our needs......the desires of my heart. And His gifts aren`t heading to the wrong address. They are sure to come...They just haven`t arrived yet. Because when He gives a promise, we can believe it will happen in His perfect time and will........We just have to claim and thank Him with all of our heart, Praise God.. Eventually my sister and I communicated and told me that she had made follow-up with the courier company and they told her the box is gonna be delayed because of some handling reasons but surely it will come, safe and sound right into my waiting arms, haha...

wow.....it`s almost daybreak. I have to hurry and get breakfast ready for my darling sons...
I could always take that nap in the afternoon, huh?

see yah ol around...

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