as you all know we are into building a new structure of hcjc worship center that has started a month ago. I am so excited as i could see this is whole lot bigger,more spacious, thrice than the old place. The first section of the roof has been put up already and hopefully it will be completed this week with galvanize materials fitted in place...
we are long way to go as there are still 2nd and 3rd sections to complete not mentioning the ceiling, walls, floors, receptions, interior designs and finishing touches-oh so many more, but God knows it all. We thank the Lord for helping us go through the first portion of the roof and we will continue to trust Him for the rest until its completion. The funds needed are HUGE and my finite mind is groping, asking where it will all be coming from? yet there is assurance and sweet peace in my heart that God will finish what has been started.
For now i will do the task entrusted to me. Doing my part in this endeavor - and that is to feed with food those who physically toil in the construction. Walking to and from the market, cooking and preparing the meals everyday is just too much of a routine job and i can`t help feeling weary at times....but only my body does, my spirit is soaring high with hope and expectancy seeing the developments day after day as the Lord continues to supply and provides our needs.
We will have busy months ahead. There are projects planned to gain funds. The most recent is a concert to be held next month.. Go go go hcjc praise team! Goodluck as you play the main rule in this "God`s hands of grace" event...
With the Lord`s help we hope for the completion while the rain is still far away. I know that when it comes the work will become a little bit harder to do. I pray, wait till all the roof be put up!
Generous people, those who have great love to see the work of God done has promised to help and bestow their support needless to say - financially. Be assured that you are helping building up God`s house and your acts of love will not be in vain.
will be updating developments in the coming days!
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