finally my visits to the dentist is completed this week. I managed to get my teeth worked on.
I am ready for my new dentures and the new set of porcelain crowns in my mouth. I couldn`t wait to try it on this coming Monday.....once more i could participate in the singing with my heart`s content with my beloved praise team. Yes, singing to worship the One who all praise is due..
Bro. Victor was again admitted into the hospital because of complications. I can`t believe that a simple cough could give him the hardest time at this moment of his life. I realized that while he has his radiation therapy and chemo sessions treatment going on, his immune system is just so low and weak it can`t fight even the simplest of bacteria for him. He was in an isolation room when we came to visit him yesterday. We were with our mask on and as we pass through the hallway leading to his room, i noticed a sign that says, "no visitors allowed".. but we continued walking on as there was no one on duty to drive us away.. :) When we entered his room my heart simply goes out to him, can`t fight back the tears from flowing. I don`t like seeing him this way. My heart silently prayed that God would soon deliver him from this sickness and extend a soonest possible recovery.....
well...... iba na nga pag-usapan natin!!....... i would like to change the mood into a lighter one.
I started an exercise sessions with our ladies department members. It is real fun. Sweating it out really makes us feel good. I have set my mind in making this thing a habit...Ang sarap sa pakiramdam! Thanks to Sis. Baby Ongka who serves as our instructress... I really enjoyed each session.
This week is verniel`s final exams and final week for this semester. Nice having him in the house for the coming days before school starts again in November..
well, dave gave us the greatest surprise of our lives this week. An announcement that he would soon tie the knot with jhoy this coming december. All preparations would only take place in two months... I felt cold sweats on my forehead....... thinking could we do all in such a very short time, and the one big question mark? But I would like to believe God has many great things instore, and it is for us to CLAIM!
tell you more in the coming days.... I am excited over dave finally deciding to marry...He`s not getting any younger and is full of plans concerning the future and his ministry.
hayy naku,
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